February 16, 2007

"White skin still the best skin"

I like to visit CNN for a daily dose of reactionary, poorly written political wankage and tiresome puff-pieces about celebrities. I especially like to record the highly unacceptable freudian slips that make it through their filters and onto the website without tripping anyone's High Wrongness alarms.

For instance, I visited the site ten minutes ago and found the above pictured headline on the front page. I just about choked on my toothpaste. The story itself concerns a rather tragic study about race and self-image that found a majority of black children, when told to pick between a white doll and a black one, would choose the white one.

The study does not conclude that white skin is 'still the best skin.' That such an inappropriate headline ever made it to the front page of a major news site is both telling and pathetic.

EDIT: I have emailed the website.

I was just wondering why my CNN front page has racism on it. I opened the site from my bookmarks like I usually do, and was greeted by allegations of caucasian superiority.

This is not something I'm used to. I actually hit refresh a couple of times, but there was still racism on my screen when I closed the window in disgust.

I would be very interested in knowing precisely which correspondent has discovered an accurate ranking system based on skin color, and why news of such an invention has not yet been revealed to the public.

I'm certain such a device will come in handy with future generations. Children learn so quickly from our prime example.

PS - For those of you tuning in via our feed, please don't hesitate to leave comments via LJ. I can still see them and respond even though I'm technically posting over here on Blogger now.


  1. Hello.

    I don't have much of a comment to your last post, cept that you said it all already. Let's hope they'll do something about that line, and that they'll think twice before writing something like that in the middle of the internet world again.

    Ok, to change subject really quick.. I feel rather silly doing it like this to be honest. (I was to stupid to find your email addy, even though it's written in the blogg.. ..that means if that's the real addy..uh..).

    Anyway, I've been following your comic for quite a while now (reread it, looking at your artwork, heck I have no life, I'm there every day lol). I wanted to write to you already ages ago.. especially when I saw the news about your mother.. But I never know how to start and end the message.. I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for you ( I know, to write 'I am really sorry' sounds lousy. But I have no clue how the real expression goes.. condolences?).

    I wish I could help you somehow.
    I really wish you and your family all the best. I cannot express how deeply I feel for you and your family.

    ..which is crazy. I mean. I don't even know you. And maybe you're not going to read this, or something like that.

    But still. I like you. And I do honestly feel sad, and sorry for you.
    I love your comic really a lot. It's great that your mother got to see your comic... She must have been very proud of you. I think it's amazing to see your evolution as an artist in the comic. I really love your art work. (while I am at it: your hair is really funky ;) You're honestly a big inspiration for me (yesh I am drawing myself..). I've learned a lot out of your artwork. Thank you so much.) Haha, now I really sound like some little fan girl.

    Anyway, I really wish you all the best.
    Some day everything will fall in place.
    Just in case you feel like writing back to me.. atirapauly@gmail.com is where you can reach me..

    Thank you very much for reading.

  2. But, but... white skin is pale and pasty like fluffy bread dough or the bloated hide of a week old corpse dumped in the river! It makes me want to grab hold and yank a piece off to eat. D:

    Also, CNN ftl. Srsly stop giving them hits; it only encourages them!

  3. Gah! What a poorly written headline. (They could be talking about WINAMP skins for all we know....)

  4. I find it hilarious that I can't find that story now. Maybe they realized their idiocy and backhanded the morons who wrote and let that slip through.

    One can dream.

  5. Anonymous: CNN, despite their numerous and repeated faults in just about every area (or maybe because of them), has no compunctions about pulling a story for any reason, and won't hesitate to do so if someone complains and it might make them look bad.

    Anyuh: Ah, there's nothing wrong with sounding like a fangirl. I myself have been stalking Luka's hair for over a year now.

  6. ...I just realised how pointless it is to address a comment-reply to 'Anonymous'.

    For further clarification, I meant the fourth down.

    I'm a nitpicker.

  7. Celti: Yay go fangirl power! Whooho :p
    Ah, it's good to know that I am not alone then :)

  8. When I read that? I totally thought, "Wait, skin for what program? Firefox, whut?" Insert facepalming here.

    What a supremely stupid headline.

  9. I think they made the headline that offensive just so people would actually go "WTF?!" and read the stupid content it links to. I don't think the reporter who wrote it took the "study" seriously. Not that I would either. I just think that kids would pick the white one because frankly they don't understand wtf "race" is. I wish people would quit making an issue out of insignificant things like skin color. Next thing you know, it will be "Barbie VS Big Bertha: Is Fat or Skinny More Attractive?".
