March 23, 2007

Another Beautiful Morning in St. Paul...

I just got an email from someone who knows where I live, wanting to make sure I was all right. I checked the local news, and there was a triple homicide down my street while I slept this morning.

The killer is still at large, but the cops don't seem to think it was random. The whole thing happened two blocks down, but if I go outside with my glasses on I can see it from the yard.

EDIT: Oh, fuck me. The survivors are saying it was a robbery. They didn't have enough money so the guy blew their heads off.


  1. Wow...that sucks. That reaaaaally sucks. I think its time that you start looking for a new place, if at all possible.

  2. I agree with Shinsetsu. It really, really doesn't seem like a safe place for someone who isn't all in for the THUG LIFE.
