March 1, 2007

Death Of A Thousand Papercuts

I am currently fighting a horrible battle against a Serpent in FF7's Battle Arena. And by 'currently' I do not mean "I hit pause and came in here to write about it." No, I put a shoe down over the circle button and left the room.

Thanks to handicaps, I have a sword that only does 60 points of damage per strike, no items, no magic, no summons. All I have left is 'attack.'

I figured either the Serpent that serves as the final enemy in this battle would quickly put me out of my misery, or it would at least hit me one more time so I could unleash a limit break and kick his ass in one move.

No dice. The fucking Serpent has run out of magic power. It turns out he has no physical attack, which leaves it floating there attempting to use its magic to no avail, while I spend my turns chopping away at it with the weapon equivalent of a cocktail weenie.

I just looked it up. The Serpent has 14000 hit points.

Poor shoe.


  1. Death by attrition!

  2. Ahahahahaha. Let us know how long the battle lasts!

  3. Its Friday, did it die yet?
