April 17, 2007

You Are Invited To A Funeral. BYOB.

According to the website of the Phelps family, they're planning to picket the funerals of the students who got gunned down today at Virginia Tech.

Now, this is just more of the same old publicity shit from the inbreeders, but it gave me a great idea:

The day this miserable cock gets buried, I cordially invite every messed up son of a whore who ever drew a sinful breath to join me in throwing the largest disruptive graveside orgy of derision and glee since the dawn of mankind. It'll be a regular hoedown (NOTE: HOS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED AT THE DOOR. YOU WILL NEED TO SUPPLY YOUR OWN). Got a megaphone? No problem, we'll be handing them out. Feel free to "make a joyful noise unto the lord" by playing Penis! with partygoers across the cemetery--it's what Phelps would have wanted.

Large and hilarious picket signs will be optional, but don't forget to wear something scandalous. GOD IS WATCHING! A prize will be awarded to whoever comes up with the most nonsensical protest slogan. Let's see if we can't turn those grieving Phelps frowns upside down with cries of "BUTT SEX BUTT SEX UBER ALLES!"

After a thoroughly demolished burial service, the party will move indoors, where we will toast his memory with unmentionable fluids.

RSVP, bitches. I want to make sure we buy enough party hats to go around.