May 6, 2007

Today's Weight Lifting........FAILED.

Argh. First time in two weeks I've felt mentally here enough to get dressed, brush my hair, and hie my ass off to the goddamn gym, and my keycard won't scan. I was going to go walk around the lake again, but it looked like a storm was coming.

I thought about all the errands I need to run while I was out, but nothing is open at 6 AM. And in defeat, I returned home.

I guess I'll get to work inking instead. I managed to pencil 7 damn pages yesterday and make another pot of soup.

Oh, and I've discovered something interesting. Tending to the needs of a bunch of seedling tomato and basil plants feels quite a lot like taking care of a litter of tiny immobile puppies, only seedlings are less likely to return your affection and don't shit or piss everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. You might consider bonsai, as a long-term hobby. Trees might not be as tasty as raising baby tomato plants, but they hang around a while longer.
