September 11, 2007

...With Dissonance and Distortion For All.

Oh. My. GAWD. Did you guys see how DISGUSTINGLY FAT Britney Spears was on TV last night? Oh my GAWD, you guys. She looked like a caterpillar eating a leaf. Oh, my GAWD.

...This is all anyone seems to be able to talk about today. CNN even aired sound bytes of random people making fun of Britney's weight. She must have been SUCH A HEIFER to earn that much airtime with her horrible obscene flesh-folds, right?

Oh my gaaaawd. You can't even see her RIBS. I think I'd just KILL myself, wouldn't you? Oh my GAWWWWD.

Not that I care too much about defending some random pop star whose music I don't even listen to, but this kind of twisted never-good-enough bullshit is ego pollution. It's making EVERYBODY sick. I'm tired of people who get all fanorexic and start spraying diarrhea every time a movie star puts on ten pounds. Where do you idiots think all that shit lands?

I feel bad for all those little girls who go looking for a place in the world where they're wanted, and get told they're only welcome if they can still fit the same clothes for the rest of their lives. And even that's a lie, because by the time their numbers are acceptable, people will be making fun of their skeletons for being too bulbous.

Girls, I'm going to tell you a secret: there is no point at which the taunting stops if you have breasts in America.

We grown-ups sure love to dangle that carrot, though. The magazine covers at the supermarket checkstand last month were covered in paparazzi shots of the too-lumpy butts of bikini-clad starlets. This month it's about "Deadly Thin In Hollywood." AND THE PICTURES ARE OF THE SAME PEOPLE!

The prize cannot be won. Your best will never be enough. The game is rigged to keep you busy dancing like a trained monkey so you won't have time to become the first woman President.

Also, Soylent Green is made of people.

Women on the low ends of normal weight are showing off their bodies in a display of "fat pride" and pro-anorexics are airbrushing each other's photos to bring out the collarbones. Meanwhile EVERYONE is screaming about how OBESITY IS GOING TO NUKE THE ICE CAPS BY 2010!!!!!!!!

What's next, CIA photographs of the Britney Spears VMA performance with little red arrows pointing to the microscopic indendations where her waist bends during a high kick, indicating possible hideouts for Osama Bin Dyejob?

It's like I'm looking through the window of a funhouse just living in this fucking culture.

So fuck it. I'm not playing a game that's rigged and neither should anybody else who wants to stay sane. I'm going to war over this one, and my battle cry will be "BRITNEY SPEARS IS HOT!"

EDIT: Oh goodness, now CNN's acting all scandalized and humble. I especially like the part where everybody debates whether she's fat enough to deserve being crucified for appearing in public without a burqa. A+ for trying, guys! You'll be part of the solution in no time.


  1. Oi, if that is fat, then the rest of us are just doomed.


    I never thought I would feel sorry for Britney Spears...

  2. That's... irritating.

    It's always irritating to watch this BS.

    And you're right.. one can never win...

  3. I feel fat now.

    I don't think she's hot (the man-neck thing when she shaved her head was just disturbing), but she's certainly not fat. And it's bizarre that that's all the news was talking about--there were a lot of things wrong with her performance. Fat was not one of them.

  4. Reading this made me :/

    Not because of Spears; because the USA wouldn't elect a fat chick for President regardless.

  5. The average-sized woman wins when she figures out that her man/girl loves her for who she is and thinks she's physically sexy regardless of what other people think. There's more to human attraction besides the needs-to-be-discarded BMI.

    Personality-wise, Spears is not attractive, but this is the opinion of someone outside of her circle of loved ones. Physically, I would LOVE to have her body. I never want to be thin. Seriously, with her legs and my hips, I could never go wrong. Curves are more coveted than angles.

    Brittany's performance did leave something to be desired, like less wobbling on stage.

  6. Psssht. My ass is better.


  7. Hmm, yeah...not exactly the "come-back" performance people had anticipated. And I just loved the outfit she was ALMOST wearing. Christ, she should just pack it all in, flee with her kids, and take on a 9-5 job in some rural area...because her career's so far gone that even the Mars Sojourner wouldn't be able to find it.

  8. That wasn't an outfit. It was underwear! I swear to Jeebus it is. Instead of firing her hair stylist, she should've fired whoever told her it was ok to shed her clothes and go out onto the stage looking like she'd holla' for a dolla'.

    I wouldn't say her career is over yet. I'd say let her mature and let her raise her kids. Maybe by then she'd learn she's not a teenager trying to be sexy anymore.

  9. Once again Luka, all I have to add is the AMEN!

    Thank you for putting down on the internet what I could not.

  10. Once again Luka, all I have to add is the AMEN!

    Thank you for putting down on the internet what I could not.

  11. I honestly just want to start a meme for everyone to email with only the words "HAHAHAHAHA" then have everyone turn off cnn for a week. x_x how long til brit turns anorexic? count the days my friend...
