November 8, 2007

bork bork bork

ARGH. I messed up my knee again!

I think this time it started the exact same way--moving boxes. Then it popped a couple of times for unrelated reasons, and last night it started twinging. Since then it's gotten so stiff and sore I can't climb the fucking stairs properly. So I'm going to bed!

On the good side: I found the ongoing raffle tickets in the garage, and will be drawing the second and third names tonight. Hopefully this update will be finished and ready to post around the same time.

1 comment:

  1. I've had really similar knee problems, were I would twist wrong and my joint would sublux, very scary, very painful.
    Turns out that my ACL was torn, making my entire joint unstable, the problem with torn ligaments is that you can't feel them, can't see them on xray, and they don't heal by themselves.
    Turns out I didn't find that out until one day I subluxed my knee and broke my ankle along with it.
    Long story short, you might want to have a specialist on joints take a look at what's going on.
