December 5, 2007


Some stupid fucking news bimbo just ruined the ending of the His Dark Materials trilogy. No warning or anything.


This has really been my week for jerks to gleefuly crush all my anticipation for stories I've been really looking forward to.

Oh look, sunlight. I'm taking out the trash and then going to bed.


  1. Is it because churches and Christian schools are all up in arms boycotting the movie/books because Pullman is (not really) the anti-thesis to CS Lewis and the Narnia series? My sister-in-law came home from Kindergarten and tucked in the newsletter, along with notes about bake sales and lunch money, was a big warning about how Satanic the books were, especially because of the third book's ending.

    Sad to have it spoiled for you, but it's still worth a read. A line or two from a news bimbo doesn't accurately sum it up, in a figureative or literal sense.

  2. I agree. I mean, the whole damn series is made of metaphors all crammed in together, with some armored bears for extra awesome. Who's to say one metaphor is more important than the rest? Satanic. Argh. Well, there'll always be people to flip out over good books with actual ideas in them. *rants off into the distance*

  3. Er. It occured to me that the best place to express my indignity is not on the journal of someone recently spoilered, in case, y'know, the discussion gets spoilery. Hope mine didn't. :(

  4. I wouldn't worry, Mosrael—the anonymi who take the time to visit Luka's blog and comment are generally bright enough to avoid that sort of thing.

    I loved His Dark Materials as a kid. I stubbornly clung to the series while the rest of my book club began squeeeeealing incessantly over Harry Potter.
    All this fuss is making me want to go read it again. Too bad my copies of the books are 300+ miles away :((
