February 20, 2008

Scientology Tells eBay to Dance For Its Amusement

Let's shit on the law a little bit more, shall we?

eBay is yanking auctions for used E-meters at the command of the cult of Scientology. That's right, even if you paid $5,000 and own it free and clear, the CoS feels you should not be allowed to sell your own property since, after all, they invented it*.

Same gleeful abuse of the legal system, different victim.

And this is just plain astounding. Someone posted a video of David Miscavige giving a victory bash to celebrate getting away with killing Lisa McPherson.

Don't miss his argument that the autopsy results were faked because the medical examiner was a sleeper agent for psychiatry (evidence: she was in favor of Prozac!) and was trying to bring down the church.

There was also something about a similarly-intentioned conspiracy being led by the eeeevil German government and Clearwater police force, but I lost the pertinent details in the sudden roar of my own laughter.

*Except not really. It's just a wheatstone bridge with a plastic dashboard.

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