February 15, 2008


Two pages are up, way late because Tom Cruise put his ethics in me and I've been sore and frazzled ever since. Two pages are already in progress for Saturday.

In other news, I FUCKED UP BIG TIME!


I usually pay my hosting fees in lump sums, taking care of a couple of months at a time. Well, I forgot that I hadn't paid for that much in advance this time, and the site's been delinquent since October!

I am an idiot.

Hosting is not expensive but the fees have stacked up, and I'm flat-ass broke. Rydia has somehow let this slide and not taken the site down months ago, but I've got to fix this right away (and never let it happen again, obviously).

Any donations toward site maintenance would be extremely awesome, and will net the audience extra pages for the next update after this one.

Thank you so much if you donate. And if you don't, thanks anyway and no worries. I wouldn't want anybody with an actual job to get stuck with ramen noodles on my account :)

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