April 7, 2008

Suicide Shirts Available!

I have finally figured out PNG transparency, and as such, I have been able to upload the "Dong Suicide" image:

to my shirt store! On black shirts, even!

From the ones I've purchased, Cafepress stuff is decent and the shirts can last quite a while if you actually follow the washing instructions. I forgot and washed mine with the design facing out a couple of times and learned my lesson--but the same thing happened to my expensive FMA tee last month and it was much worse. The white fabric also tended to get a little dingy after a while, though I doubt that will be a problem with black fabric.

I intend to buy one of the black shirts and test it out so I can be sure it's good enough to ask people to pay for. Sight unseen, I can still promise you the product is better than anything I can make with my own crippled, flopping hands.

The Dong Suicide pic is up for a limited time only, since I plan to rotate my stock until I can afford to buy the privilege of having more than one design per clothing item.

Not into shirts? Give someone special in your life the Gift of Dongs! They'll never speak to you again.

Edit: BTW, I have no idea if the design will look good on any color other than black. Caveat emptor on that front while I order a couple and find out for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, its easy to include more designs in the free CafePress stores. All you do is make one store per design. Then when you want to point people to them, you give them the URL this way - http://www.cafepress.com/storename1,storename2,storename3...and on and they'll display as if they're all in one store. It can get long, but all the stores are free. That's how I did mine.
