May 24, 2008

Germany or Florida?

Authorities said Saturday they have taken custody of a 7-month-old boy after his parents posted an ad on eBay offering to sell him.

A spokesman for police said the baby was placed in the care of youth services, although the child's 23-year-old mother insisted the ad was only a joke.

Authorities have launched an investigation into possible child trafficking against the baby's mother and 24-year-old father, neither of whom was identified.

"Offering my nearly new baby for sale, as it has gotten too loud. It is a male baby, nearly 28 inches (70 cm) long and can be used either in a baby carrier or a stroller," police quoted the ad as reading.

No offers were made for the child in the two hours and 30 minutes the ad was posted on Tuesday. EBay later deleted the posting, but assisted police in tracking down the parents.

Several people who saw the ad alerted police.

So where'd it happen, Germany or Florida?

(No Googling or ruining it for other players if you already know the answer.)


  1. Florida! *does not actually know, but it sounds like something that would happen there"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If it the choice between _________ & Florida, I think you can make a pretty safe bet that it's Florida. (sorry about the deleted comment >>;)
