May 23, 2008


I stayed up all night because I was listening to Cormack McCarthy's The Road while I inked the comic, and I ended up so tense and anxious that I finally had to admit I wasn't getting any sleep until I finished the story, which I just did, and holy shit that book crushed my soul. It made the movie Children of Men seem like a Disneyland boat ride by comparison.

I wonder if McCarthy ever read Stephen King's The Gunslinger. The two novels had a very similar atmosphere of hopeless questing in an utterly ruined world, though King took his nameless protagonist and boy in a completely different direction plotwise.

Just do yourself a favor and don't read The Road if you're feeling in any way suicidal. A lot of popular stories taking place in a post-apocalyptic setting tend to pull the punch a bit and focus on the hope of rebuilding the human race, whereas McCarthy's take on the situation is basically "EVERYTHING IS FUCKED AND OH BY THE WAY THERE'S A BABY ON A SPIT. SLEEP TIGHT."

I utterly loved it, but goddamn. I need to hug a kitten or something just to get back my will to live.

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