May 14, 2008

Today Was Dogs


My dog is a brave little toaster! I took him for a long, random bike ride on quiet streets to get him good and tired. Came home, had lunch, gathered his paperwork and then we biked to the vet clinic half a mile away.

In the waiting room, the Captain was anxious but calm and whined a few times. I don't blame him at all. Last time he went inside one of those places, they cut his nuts off. I'd want to steer clear too (pun definitely intended).

The only other time I've been at a vet clinic was a few months ago, when I volunteered to take Molly in to have her spay stitches removed. The doctor forced her down without any compassion whatsoever and ripped the scabs off with his fingers and a scalpel. He wasn't unskilled, but he acted like he was angry with the cat and his attitude toward me was dismissive at best.

The Captain has anxiety issues and would be a floppy, retarded sprinkler of fear pee after two seconds with that guy. So we decided to schedule the first-ever Captain Cookiepants checkup with the Cannon Valley Clinic instead.

That place was amazing. It was well-lit and clean and everyone working there was clearly an animal lover. They were gentle and went out of their way in every case to comfort and handle the animals I saw in the lobby. The vet tech and doctor offered treats to distract the Captain for his shots, and even played with him while we talked about his health history and went over the vaccinations he'd need. They were really impressed by his nodding trick and general mellow attitude.

He was not a fan of the needles, which sucked because they had to draw a second sample after the first one didn't work out, but it was over quickly. He's now vaccinated against rabies, distemper, lyme disease, and Scientology. I also picked up a two-year supply of heartworm medication and a one-year supply of FrontLine.

The final cost was more than what I (wincingly) paid to adopt him last year, but I think it says something about the bonding experience that this time around, I was crowing about what a bargain it was.

The heartworm/lyme tests came back negative. He did test positive for antibodies to anaplasmosis (GODDAMN TICKS!), but the doc assured me that 95% of the time, the dog will remain asymptomatic and it's no big deal. He might still get sick months later, so if his appetite and demeanor suddenly changes in the next year or so, I'll just need to bring him in and get antibiotics. Apparently ticks can infect humans with anaplasmosis too, so now I'm extra extra paranoid about one biting me this summer.

Oh, and the Captain's physical condition is excellent. His ripped muscles stood out and impressed everybody, and he's gained 12 pounds of pure muscle in the past six months. Distance running him with my bike is really doing him good.

Great teeth, clean ears, bright eyes. Overall, the one thing I have to do now is stop giving him beef bones to destroy. Not because they'll splinter like chicken and pork bones do, but larger dogs have a higher risk of splitting their back teeth on them. So from now on it's old towels and rawhide for my 62-pound lap dog.

Finally, the vet confirmed that with his dominant Pointerness it's safer to teach him to stay away from the cats than try to make them ok with each other, so I'm going to go back to my "keep Inotek unit in pocket and carry cat around, and shock him when he gets too close" plan, which seemed to be working.

After a day of running and panting and being fed treats and poked with sharp things and meeting new people with clipboards, I thought he would be ready to go home and collapse. Nope! He just about dragged me to the dog park. After being thoroughly trounced by a husky puppy twice his size, he was finally ready to sleep. Now he's conked out on my bed, smelling faintly of Frontline and with a belly full of heartworm chewie.

It is a good life, being a dog.



  1. My sister had a rabies shot. She was bitten by a monkey. No joke.

  2. "My dog is a brave little toaster!"

    This line made me smile in a I saw that movie when I was 5 and just remember enjoying it without actually remembering anything that happened in it sort of way.

    Glad to hear your dog is getting so much love, I've moved far from home and don't get to see mine too often anymore. Mom doesn't walk him at all either: she never figured out how to take control of him so he always pulls her around. I really need to send her videos of Cesar Millan...
