July 6, 2008

Hacking My Life

Oh I am in so much trouble. And I didn't even do anything. BLAH BLAH BLAH ANGST STORM ABOUT HOW I AM ENTITLED TO AN EASY LIFE BLAH.

Sorry for the cryptic. I'm not supposed to talk about Fight Club. :(

The tiny banana republic of Lukadia is being attacked by the Nation of Meltdown. Current forces in place include financial worries, oh-god-what-am-I-doing-with-my-life-I'd-be-better-off-dead panic, anxiety over Fight Club, obsessive thoughts and tics, and of course your friend and mine, the crippling fear of social interaction.

Luckily for me, the invasion began at a very good time. I'm energetic, functional and relatively perceptive. Best of all, I'm not so depressed that I'd rather just hide in my room for the next five years (that has historically been my response to these episodes, and look where it's gotten me). There's still time for decisive preventative action.

And so, instead of hoping the nasty invaders just get bored and wander off and leave me alone, I'm going to call in an airstrike. Money woes and pride be damned; I've got options here that haven't been tried yet, and the volition to try them. Tomorrow I am going to make that fucking appointment and get some help.


  1. You can do it!
    A really good thing to keep in mind is that everybody, from the guy with the popped shirt collar to the girl surrounded by her posy all got their own fears, problems and traumas that they're trying to keep hidden or make out to not being that big of a deal.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone-seriously-and what you're doing is incredibly brave and good.
    I have been reading your comic and blog for years now, and I know that we've never met, and you have know idea who I am. But I just wanted you to know, that there are people out there cheering for you Luka.

  2. Thank you so much for that!

    I am honored to be surrounded by people who actually DO give a fuck. (THIS IS HOW WE CAN BE SAPPY AND MACHO AT THE SAME TIME)

  3. Glad to hear you're taking action to improve your life - who has a better reason? It's a cliche, but it's still true.

  4. GO LUKA! :D

    Nothing like crippling social anxiety to get your butt in gear!

    Fo sho though, even if it's unpleasant, I'm glad it got you to call instead of coming down with "I'll-do-it-tomorrow".

    We all care a lot about you, so work hard for all of us and especially for your own sake! You deserve it, definitely!


  5. Best of luck dealing with your fears and anxieties. As marie posted earlier, we've all experienced the same at some point in time. Hardest part is to just push through that mental barrier that stops you from doing what needs to be done; the rest just falls into place after that. You're a smart, strong willed person, and I think you'll do just fine.

    ...oh, and speaking of sappy, I hereby present you with quite possibly the sappiest and most powerful pick me up song ever:


  6. What fictionalwhatsit said. SOME places actually have programs that work. I'm totally broke but I get weekly appointments (and crazy pills!) without charge. It's fucking terrific. Course my hometown had no such functional services, so I guess it depends where you are. Shop around, there's sliding scale and all sorts of things.

  7. I must stand up for the lurkers - we do care! Good luck, brave Luka, I hope the help helps. Rootin' for ya.

  8. You are brave, and you inspire me, dude. I wish you so many good things. And thirding the stuff Fictional advised - you are well-qualified to recieve awesome.

    Yes, it's a noun now. You deserve those, too.

  9. Ohhhh my. I'm so sorry to hear that the brain invaders are rattling your headcage right now. What one would not give for a crowbar and a headcrab instead, amirite?

    Seriously, though, what you're doing is both incredibly scary as hell and massively brave. It took me... well... a lot of stupid and some very loving, dedicated people to get me where you are, and it truly will get better from here on out.

    I wish you all the luck, support, and love in the world, Luca. Congrats on blasting through this crap and moving forward!!!

    I'll be sending away for some woolly things very soon...
