September 18, 2008

Canadian Geese All Up In My Sky

The only thing I know about this election so far is that Obama's volunteers work truly ass hours up there in the local headquarters, and that if I never hear the word maverick again it'll be too fucking soon. I've been watching McCain campaign ads with the sound turned off, but it hasn't helped.

Palin's a milf, though. I'd sure like to make her pretend to birth MY secret teen sex baby, if you know what I mean. *Eyebrow wiggle.*

Got all the icons done! Am now taking ten more. It's a bunch at one time, but I'd like to see what RitalAIDS will do to a new commission. Hopefully it'll help keep on top of things as well as letting me finish the old ones.

I'm working on some other projects, including that huge overdue comic from waybackwhen. Kagerou is kicking me in the face yelling WORK ON ME LUKA WORK ON MEEE and crying when I tell it "wait your turn, cookie-pants."

If this keeps up I'll start dreaming about it.

The local art store is now selling Rah's chibi buttons and my flower ones. No idea what the interest level will be, but it'll be fun to find out. We're also working on designs for the store's Halloween display. I'm drawing the monsters, and Rah and Jess will ink and color them and we'll all have to figure out how to hang them up in the window.

This is the most social and normal I've ever been as an adult. My conservative half chalks much of it up to my usual self having a really good couple of weeks, but it sure started abruptly, and at the exact time I caught the RitalAIDS. Unfortunately, so did my latest bout of problems with blood sugar. I can't fuck around on this medicine--when the blood sugar plunges while I'm taking it, the result is the most unpleasant headache/dizziness in the universe. So I've cut out most sweet stuff and am trying to eat regular meals and not just 'whenever I am so hungry I will eat anything that does not bite me or run away.' Not doing too well, so I may need to see a doctor.

There is one tree down the street from our house that has already gone to full-on, neon autumn colors. It's surrounded by green on all sides, and every morning when the sun starts to peek over the treetops and I always do a double-take because it looks like it's on fire. Neat.

1 comment:

  1. I demand pictures of Flame-tree. Yesterday.
