September 20, 2008

Orbiting Planet Conventia

To avoid a repeat of last year's incident wherein the spot I had reserved was yanked and given to someone who paid earlier but from further back in the line, I sent out money for an alley table and pre-registration to Anime Detour early this time. Should be good to go, and no turning back and chickening out now that it's done.

Depending on how things go, I may or may not stay in Minneapolis for the weekend. It's about a 45 minute drive each way, which isn't terrible, but it is inconvenient and costly. I guess it will come down to seeing whether the cost of gas is lower than the cost of lodging (alone or with a roomie) in the convention hotel.

I am also planning to register for Anime Central, though that will require a road trip and thus way more planning. Hope gas prices drop by them; I have sort of started missing cons, and I think if I can get my act together I might even be able to make an honest living at it.

More than anything else, I dread another Kumoricon happening. This year it was like I blinked, just once, and went from "plenty of time left to reserve a table" to "Kumoricon was last weekend, where were you?" Argh, and that was the one con I was not, absolutely not, going to miss. I can only blame the negative influences of engrams caused by psychiatry. That or I just flaked as usual.

So yeah. Looking ahead and thinking thoughts. Pray for me, y'all, now and in the hour of getting my ass kicked.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for AD! Especially now that it's been moved to like, down the block from me!

    I would totally offer up my guestroom (with the sexy, neon red carpet) if shacking up with two semi-socially awkward strangers doesn't bother you. XD
