November 12, 2008

Things Are Getting Better

Everything is going well. I have an appointment for an EMG coming up, my asthma meds are doing their job, therapy is going to interesting places and my blood sugar is settling down a bit. I've been getting lots of exercise again, and last night I even managed an hour at the gym for the first time since You Know When.

And last night, it snowed! The whole town was pale purple and I had to hover around 20 miles an hour on the highway or risk slippery death just getting home from the gym. Fantastic.

Last but not least, I'm back in contact with my father. The other day while I was in the shower, thinking thoughts the way I do, I realized that I want to know more about the guy and my own roots. So I sent him an email asking him to tell it to me. So far the results have been pretty interesting. My family has one fucked up backstory. I'm glad I took that shower.

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