January 14, 2009

Off With Their Heads!

I have such a hard-on for rapture fans and their wacky predictions about how the End Times will go down. This one is somewhat unusual in that it actually made me cackle out loud:

The world will be practicing ritual magic (using both sex and drugs as sources of "power"). As it is believed that the "Shrunken Head" of your enemies has great power, these Christian "heads" will be highly prized and coveted for their magical "properties" to make your spells come true.

"And the world will not repent of their thefts and murders." What greater crime could be committed than to Kill (behead) Christians and steal their material possessions (clothing, shoes, jewelry, cars, homes, entertainment centers etc as well as the THEFT of their Vital Organs and their very heads to be shrunken and sold!.

From here.

I dunno about you guys, but I'm reserving a whole family of true believers. It'll probably wipe out my Cintiq Fund, but what's the point of saving up for a high-end graphics tablet anyway, if the world is about to end? Webcomics come and go like wisps of mist on an October morning, but stylish bookends made from the shrunken heads of the faithful? Those are forever.


  1. HAHAHAHAhahahaha *gigglesnort*

    I love his 777 prophecy about Obama. And the use of the Stargate imagery for his Prophecy pages? Pure gold. :D

  2. brb, joining the SEX CHURCH

  3. Oh god. I ended up clicking around that site for about two hours. D=
    I think my IQ may have dropped.
