March 10, 2007


ARGH. Just what I need right now. A mysterious bug has appeared in Photo Paint 12 and now challenges my sanity.

I've reinstalled the entire suite three times already, but still the program behaves as if the tools have run out of ink. The eraser is fine, and so are the box, line and freehand tools. Clone and paint are, however, fucked.

This whole thing started about a week ago. At first the program would freeze up the first time I selected the paint brush tool, and after rebooting the system it would be fine. Now the paint tools have at least mostly stopped halting Corel, but now it won't do anything at all.

Has anyone else ever had this happen? I'm hoping it's not a Windows error, because backing up and reinstalling the entire system will be a lovely waste of at least two days of my life. But I've done everything I could think of and it's had no effect at all.

I'll do whatever I can to get the update done on time tomorrow. Eraser tool still works and can fake the pen tool if I can stand changing the background color every five seconds, after all. But it's likely to run a litte late regardless of my best intentions.

Anyway, I'm having a kind of shitty time right now, and rather than run the risk of having one more thing go wrong, I am going to bed early to dream about things that make sense. You know, like crucifying my roommate with bungee cords and flying her like a kite. Or having the soles of my feet slough off and hang limp and macerated from the tender, miscarried-fetus colored flesh beneath. Yes. Things that make sense.

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