Every time an empty-headed size seven tells the world defiantly that she loves herself
no matter what, God puts on stiletto heels and stomps a baby panda to death.
That is all.
Just because being fatter would be "worse" doesn't mean that being size 7 is "good" or "acceptable" depending on her body type and bodyfat index. Size 7 certainly isn't always a perfect body, and size really isn't everything. Muscle tone, fat distribution etc. all play a role in what is and is not an "ideal" body.
ReplyDeleteI think your dreams about talking with Britney and Paris are about your subconscious telling you to lay off the skinny hate.
Everybody is allowed to be unhappy with their stupid meatsuit, because meatsuits are inherently defective. That includes skinny people, for whatever reason happens to piss them off the most. If a little extra fat around their belly is annoying them because it's out of proportion with other areas of their body, even if they word that concern poorly, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
I.e., starving kids in Africa don't make my hunger any less valid, even though I have a fridge full of food.
I fail to see why you hone in on these people time after time after time when really they're just echoing the same thing as everybody else on the planet.
Also, I don't know why you insist on exposing yourself to this pop-culture bullshit that you're always complaining about. Nobody is forcing you to listen to love songs, or to watch pop videos, or to buy into whatever it is you think is the supposed beauty ideal that you tirade against. Do you just like being full of hate and having things to be vehemently angry about?
Sorry but this stuff has really been getting on my nerves a lot lately because it's all that seems to be coming from your direction, and I'd rather say it in a comment than IM so it doesn't turn into a big stupid fight.
Maybe that's cowardly, but you're always saying I overwhelm you in real time. So... yeah.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there nothing wrong with a perfectly proportioned girl bashing herself because of some self-perceived figure fault? Why should any woman be made to feel horrible about her own body if it's healthy and in good running order?
ReplyDeleteI myself have no respect for people who impose facist beauty standards on themselves and on everyone around them, or for people who tie a person's worth to their looks. (although we all do it to an extent, consciously or subconsciously.) In my opinion, if you're a healthy woman who obsesses over her body, (ala the size 7 woman who whines about some imperceptible imperfection,) you're every bit as stupid as a morbidly obese woman who ignores her own body's warning signals and goes on to eat herself into oblivion.
There. I said my piece. (By the way, Luka, are you planning on going to Anime Detour this year? Hm? Or is that Classified Information?)
The really retarded thing in here is that I was making fun of those stupid people who pollute the universe by loudly and publicly forgiving themselves for what amount to superficial imperfections. What, has whining "God I'm just, like, so fat!" so someone else can tell you you're perfect finally gone out of style?
ReplyDeleteIn other words, these three blondes walk into a bar, but the redhead ducks.
Get it? They were literally walking INTO the bar! Ouch!
I suppose a large part of it is what you want to be vs. what you are. Some women don't want to be size 7. Some women would rather have some curves to their bodies. Some women would rather be men. I don't think we can assume anyone is happy with their body, even if they are the ideal, because the ideal may not be so to them.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, skinny people complaining about their love-handles grate my brain like cheese.
And see, it's your calling it "superficial" that makes me feel like shit EVERY TIME YOU COME OUT WITH THIS TRIPE.
ReplyDeleteAll I keep hearing from you is "it's not okay for a person who is not overweight to complain about their body image". Because to YOU it is them endorsing some fantasy-land ideal of beauty, instead of just someone being human and upset with their faults. YOU take it as a personal attack, and get offended by the words of a stranger. Sorry, but nobody is working for the great media machine and contriving false attributes for people to live up to - it's all a reflection of things most individuals want for themselves.
So you probably think I'm cool with my body and all, which I'm absolutely not (you also have a bizarre idea of the term "gazelle-like" but that's another thing entirely). But your tirades have constantly given me the shitting fits over "am I anorexic?" "do I have a right to feel this way?" over my problems with my body (yeah I have lovehandles and they disgust me - now you know I'm just as shallow and awful as everybody you rant about oh noes), because I've held you as a friend whose opinion I could take to heart.
It's a shame you decided to deflect the situation by assuming I'm taking inappropriate offense to something that wasn't directed at me anyway. But it's not just this one incident. You have this ongoing obsession with dissing people who are thinner than you and who do not like their bodies. That's a category that includes me.
To sum it up, I'm pissed at you because you constantly bring this shit up to me like I'm supposed to be proud of you, when really every time I see another one of these hate- and/or jealousy?-inspired works of yours, I hate myself a little more for daring to be unhappy but from what I gather, not having the "right" to complain about it because I'm not at type II diabetes level fatass.
But hey, you're probably still telling yourself I don't have a right to be offended because you weren't saying it RIGHT TO ME DIRECTLY AND SPECIFICALLY, and have just tuned out everything I said, like always.
Have a nice fucking life.
I'm not going to argue with you right now. This was never about you making me see the light. You came here to scorch some earth.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to help you with that, so until you're willing to attack me on just one front at a time, this discussion is over.
I'm not asking for an argument. There's nothing to argue over. Your words make me feel like shit on a regular basis and that's the long and the short of it.
ReplyDeleteThis is not about scorching earth, whatever the fuck you mean about that. It's about you saying shit that HURTS ME. CONSTANTLY. UNABATINGLY. If you are unwilling to see that (as it seems you are) and recognize my position as valid rather than writing me off (as usual) with claims that I am overreacting or not seeing your view clearly, then I have no problem with shutting you out.
I'm not really sure what other issue you think there is to discuss, but I'll be on IM if you'd like to fill me in on what the fuck half-cocked motivations you've assigned to me this time.
Well, I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to you if every time I bring something up your response is "Not right now" or "It's a FUCKING JOKE".
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to go to such trouble to insulate yourself from dissent, don't complain that nobody's speaking up.
Sorry, but nobody is working for the great media machine and contriving false attributes for people to live up to -
ReplyDeleteThat statement is like, the WRONGEST THING I've ever heard. (Ask any supermodel/actress who is made to feel like shit by her coworkers and superiors for being 5 pounds overweight. Modern media is all about shame-generation, baby. For shame fuels the economy. Who would want to buy the multi-millions of dollars worth of diet and beauty products if everyone felt good about themselves they way they were?)
Oooh. You're so sad because you are made to feel bad about having a societally idealized body. Hear that sound? It's the sound of the world's smallest violin and it's playing just for you.
I'm with you on this one, Luka...
Hey anonymous:
ReplyDeleteIf Luka's words make you feel OMG SO HORRIBLE D: D: D: on a daily basis, then what the frick are you doing reading the damn blog? You know, in a Logical World, when you read something you don't like? YOU. STOP. READING. IT. Not throw a bitchfit and start crying at the person who wrote the opinion to begin with. Go seek validation elsewhere.
((btw, Luka, you totally have to illustrate that metaphor. IT FILLED ME WITH LULZ.))
Stop acting like a fucking dick. I cut the argument short to go cool the fuck off, and I told you that last night.
ReplyDeleteI want to be in the right mind to solve problems instead of hurling insults back and forth to make myself feel better.
You quietly nursed an enormous grudge toward me for years until you were triggered by a joke to throw a tantrum and threaten our friendship. MY not wanting to confront YOU right now is a different kind of evasion altogether.
You dumped every single thought in your head on me out of goddamn nowhere. You were saying things you would regret if you weren't incandescent with rage. We can't fix jack shit with you continuing attacking from every side.
I get that you have a lot of unsaid shit that won't be put off one more minute, but you can't have it both ways. You can't keep ripping into me for my failings AND be mad that I'm not cooperating with the peace talks.
We're either talking this over when we're actually ready to fix this, or not at all. You waited this long to put me in my place, you can wait another goddamn day.