May 13, 2007


Con prep happens. It was supposed to be my day off, but I can't really afford to slack when I have one week and a LOT of stock to prepare for Animazement and A-Kon.

So far I've gotten all the prints queued (a two-hour job in itself) and finished the studio keychains that were nudging toward overdue status. Remaining jobs:

1. Buttons. This is the most dire job and deserves priority status, since they're the fastest sellers and the good ones tend to run out fast. I need enough to get me through 2 in a row, and that means lots of work.

2. Stickers. This is the least problematic of the jobs. We seem well-enough stocked that it shouldn't be an issue.

3. Bitches. These are somewhat in need of a refill, but not as much as usual because AWA, our last con, sucked monkey ass. We're waiting on a fresh shipment of snake chains, because I noticed too late how low the stock was.

4. Pack up the con stuff, clothes, and Lukas in the car.

5. Get road directions to the various conventions.

Luckily, the rest of the studio is helping out on this one, so I'm optimistic. But I'd rather sit here in my soup of workaholism and pine for the great outdoors now than pull another all-nighter when I have a thousand some miles to drive. If I get done early, I can go frolic at Como Park then.

Unless it rains. Which it generally does when I have a day off.

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