July 9, 2007

Update Post

I still don't know what I want to do to celebrate turning 27. Maybe I could go to a rock shop and buy myself something shiny...or to the Humane Society to adopt myself something furry.

Argh, conflicted! And sleepy!

At 1:30 in the morning, somebody started pounding on either my bedroom window or the back door (had stereo on, so I couldn't hear well). They were very insistent, so I ignored them.

Damn, I thought the Crack Fairy had learned to read the 'no begging' signs. :(

Also, my wrist is killing me again. I worked too many hours in a row without resting it. Thank god for this brace.


  1. Would you let me send you something shiny?

  2. You are now three cubed!(3x3x3 for non-math nerds). And if 3's are as powerful as the occult and videogames tell me they are, you should be getting super powers sometime this year.

    Also, nice work on the new pages =D

  3. I liked the update. Is it just me, or is Cho getting prettier over time?
