July 28, 2007

Update Post

Updated the comic right on time for once.

While I was working, I finished listening to Harry Potter Book 7. Think I'm gonna read it again from Book 1 before I make any permanent judgments or join in the inevitable fray of fandom debate, but JK Rowling is pretty much my favorite person on Earth right now.

Just think: If I'd waited for the Amazon copy to arrive instead of canceling the order and going to Target instead, I would still be waiting for the book ...a week from today! Eugh.


  1. Love your comic!!!

    Just had a quick question, was the upper right panel supposed to be blank on page 5? Just looked different than the rest of the format with the big white rectangle and all. Or am I missing something? Hope I'm not being dense.


  2. Yup, this space is intentionally left blank. I'm thinking of renting it out :)

  3. Yay! I'm obtuse. Sorry for the bother :)
