September 6, 2007

Dental Insanity

For the past five days, swallowing has been painful on the right side of my throat. At first I thought it must be a tonsil infection (I'm prone to them) but today I went poking around in my mouth and discovered that the soreness is located behind the molars on my upper right side of my mouth, where the gum meets the hinge of the jaw. Which is right where the wisdom tooth that never quite erupted would be.

I was really hoping it might be some kind of abrasion or canker sore from over-enthusiastic brushing, but my optimism fades as the pain increases. I've had similar pain, off and on, for a few years now, but it was never a big deal until this time. The last thing I need right now is some strange person sticking needles in my face and pulling out my teeth, but Dr. Google says the symptoms I'm having are fairly standard for a wisdom tooth infection.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about that. Dental problems suck the worst.
