November 1, 2007

October 2007 Photo Post: Digest Edition!

Trying out the macro settings.

My dog on the roof outside my bedroom.

Neat fungus by the Cannon River.

This shot was almost discarded until I realized it wanted macroing.

The bustling metropolis of Northfield!

The bustling metropolis of Northfield, part deux!

My favorite autumn shot.

A nice view of the Cannon riverbank taken from Northfield's river walk, which leads to the dog park on one end and center of town on the other.

Rah found this little guy in the street.

Flooded park walk.

The dog park.

The Captain watches a much braver dog fetch a ball from the river.

The leaves on the tree that overhangs our yard turned the best shade of buttery yellow, which was charming until there was a windy night and the tree shat its entire load of foliage down over the yard I'd just raked a day before.

More leaf porn.

Another "testing out the macro" shot, included simply because SHIIIINY.

(Sorry to all you slow-modem types. I'd use a cut but Blogger doesn't work that way.)

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