December 23, 2007

Blow, Wind, HOLY SHIT

Did I really hope for more snow? Did I really?

Well, I got it. And let me tell you, walking the dog into the screaming wind when it's -2 degrees F is quite a bit less enjoyable than several dozen other activities I could name. It was kind of fun walking across the river (all the way this time!) and looking at the cracks and bubbles that run all the way down to the ripply mud bottom, but HOLY SHIT COLD.

The bridge is set low over the water, and I klonked my head on a concrete beam. It really DOES sound like "klonk", doesn't it?

The wind screams through there so hard and fast that the snow deflects around you like you've got a force field up and goes skidding off along the ice in snaky tendrils. My cotton pajama pants didn't stand a chance. Although to be fair, they held up better than my jeans and cargo shorts ever did in similar conditions.

By the time the Captain and I got back, his muzzle was covered in snow and every whisker was completely encrusted in ice. Poor little bugger looked like the harp seal from my last post. Our footprints from the journey out were totally filled in by blowing snow. And the ice, ay dio! Everything that melted yesterday has frozen over in the streets. I tried to flag down the roomies and warn them about it as they pulled out of the garage, but I think they thought I was waving byebye.

I am officially broke. I am going to need to fall back on my contingency plan to make and sell sets of Kagerou stickers. This should keep me going until my big project is ready to fire off to the printers.

I think I'll go drink some eggnog and read a good book while I watch the nasty gray month-old snow get a face lift. And then, art!

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