December 16, 2007

Thou Shalt Not Steal, Because Thou Art A Moron

An open letter to the brain surgeon who went to all the trouble of breaking out the teeny weeny little window in our back door of our old house, then apparently destroyed the dead bolt when they still couldn't reach the lock:

Good job! We at Studio Whipping Boy hope that wading through a freezing house full of dust, mildew and piles of garbage nobody wanted enough to take with us was exciting and fun for you. We also couldn't help but notice that you chose not to take the antique silverware and high-end liquor that were accidentally left behind in plain sight in the kitchen.

You're the best burglar(s) ever. Keep up the good work, and have a safe and hilarious holiday season!


  1. Hope you guys don't get stuck paying for the damage -_-

  2. Er... we own the house. Who else is gonna pay for it?

    - Luka's roomie
