February 25, 2008

Hair Post #9

The wooden hairsticks I ordered arrived today! They're pretty plain but they get the job done and can be decorated when I have more time. I only need one for the basic bun I usually wear. I decided to take pictures before bed:

I had no idea the bun was so big*. My hair tapers like whoa thanks to my tendency to chop off bangs and undercut the back, and it feels a lot smaller when I'm putting it up. Looking at the pic, I am amazed yet again that one little wooden stick can hold it all up there like that. It's like I'm a warlock.

Also, I can see it's past due time to re-henna. The length now appears to be permanently red, but the roots have grown out a lot since April. I'm also done growing out the bleach damage to give the front a rest. It'll be time for more rainbow action in a week or two, depending on when I can get the bleach.

*Now now, it's no use giggling over the size or abnormal number of buns on a Luka. everyone in the house already did that when I went around showing it off, and I am now immune. Na-ha!


  1. Is that a braid around the bun? Holy shit!

  2. The whole thing is one braid, coiled around and around. It came out looking kinda cool!

  3. I used to do buns like that when my hair was long! ... only it took either one 2-pronged hair stick, or at least 2 regular hairsticks to get it to stay up.

    Man I miss having red haiiir. What kind of henna do you use? It's a fabulous red.
