February 2, 2008

Lucid Dreaming

This morning I hit this amazing state of lucid dreaming. A woman was telling me her story over images of a rugged cliff over a black sea. This is the part I can remember:

"I don't know what I was thinking. I put the necklace on in front of everyone. And now all of them, the old women, the young women, the dangerous women, they all know."

I could hear her voice. I was actually thinking "I'm dreaming, but I can hear her voice and she sounds like a real person talking." I knew I was lying in bed, with my eyes closed, and that if I moved, even just to get the pen and paper I keep under my pillow for just this occasion and make notes of what she was saying, I would lose it. So I kept mental notes on the important stuff, and occasionally reminded myself of it so I wouldn't forget when I woke up.

Along with the narration, there was visual footage of a woman turning into a giant white bird on the coast of that black sea, and running to hide out in an office building. There were hands opening up a storage box to find two cats inside, looking up at her. I got the impression that the cats were spies sent by the 'dangerous women.'

Right then I was like "This is all very fascinating, but if I can do this lucid thing, I better not waste it. Let's go over and see what Kano's got to say!"

Sure enough, we left the woman with the necklace that turns you into a bird, and there was Kano. He just stood there looking at his feet for a minute, and said "Um....uh...." and was about to start talking when the GOD DAMN DOG started scratching at the door and whining to be let out, and I woke up for good. RRR.

Still, the woman's story was good stuff. I might be able to use it somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, lucid dreams sure are a lot of fun. Much better than the conscious sleeping i did this morning,
