April 12, 2008


Back safe. Tons of video to upload. Was the best protest yet with a confirmed 150 people (and those are just the ones who remembered to sign in).

More later; hypothermia has set in and I need warm blankets and a nice long nap.

Good show, guys. Fucking good show.


  1. Every single month, without fail, the protests are on weekends that I work and I can't go...though I don't know how bad that is, seeing as my friend is now being stalked by scientologists...

  2. Make sure your friend documents any harassment, NOW. Do not wait for something to go down; publicize it and have fun!

    They're really pretty much powerless now, and publicizing their harassment hurts them WAY more than it hurts you. RUN WITH IT!

  3. thanks for the advice. he's actually pretty good at scaring them off on his own. he's been doing a lot of research on scientology and helped make some of the little movies floating around out there.
