April 12, 2008

Domesticide II

Today I got so stir crazy I had to finally admit that the weather wasn't going to let up long enough for a bike ride, and took the Captain out anyway.

It wasn't too bad on the way out. The rain was misty and there were some snowflakes, and it was blowing at our back. I figured the return trip was going to suck, but by then I'd be used to it, right?

Wrong. Ten minutes out, the misty rain and snow turned into tiny pebbles of burning sleet and the wind kicked into hyper-drive. When the trail ended, we finally turned around into a hell-storm the likes of which God himself would not dare to challenge.

This lasted the whole way home as I squinted my eyes to keep the sleet out of them. Later, as I took my dripping coat off in the mudroom, admired my purple sleet-blotched face in a mirror, and looked out the window, I saw that it had settled back into a soft and harmless snow.

So it goes.

I didn't make any protest signs for this rally. Instead, I helped trifold a bunch of pamphlets. My goal is to hand them all out or die in the attempt.

And right when I decided to go work on the comic since my schedule was finally free for the evening, Molly the cat pissed on Rah's bed and may or may not have decided to dump the load of catshit I found in the bathroom on one of our best towels. From there on, it was laundry, laundry, dishes and laundry. I didn't even glance at Corel, and now it's time for bed.

At least my life's not boring, right?

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