April 23, 2008

Ticked Off

A few minutes after I got home, I felt something moving on my head and brushed it off, thinking it was yet another box elder bug. An hour later I felt it again, grabbed a mirror and spotted this guy hanging out on my 'do:

I fled to the bathroom in a panic to do a full-body scan (no other unwelcome guests), and Seebs went and looked the Captain over. There was one parked on his head, so Seebs terminated it with extreme prejudice. And then I whipped out the flea/tick shampoo and gave the Captain a bath he's not likely to ever forget, before jumping in the shower myself to use up the last of the hot water.

Every minor tickling sensation behind my knee is now an ambush of crawling horrors. I don't mind most bugs, but ever since I lived in the Missouri Ozarks and got chomped on, ticks make a squealing bitch of me. It wouldn't be half as bad if they made a big to-do of attaching themselves to your body, but no. Instead they sneak in like tiny vampire ninjas to tap your lines.

The worst thing in the world for me would be discovering the interloper hours or days later by pure chance. Bloated ticks with waggling little legs could give Freddy fucking Kreuger the terrorshits. Things like that simply should not be sticking out of your flesh.

Deep Woods Off: TAKE ME AWAY!

1 comment:

  1. Don't want to freak you out even worse, but keep an eye out for deer ticks in that area too. They're smaller, but they also can carry lyme disease, and they do live in Minnesota.
