April 25, 2008

Scientology Skewered on National TV

Oh my /b/rothers, last night was the most epic of all wins for Anonymous. We have ARRIVED.

Jenna Miscavige Hill, the disconnected niece of Scientology leader David Miscavige, was on Nightline last night, cutting into the lie that is the LRH Caek and serving the crumbs to America's nearly four million viewers.

This is huge. Media bigshots have been notoriously gunshy about Scientology ever since Time Magazine published their milestone "Scientology: Cult of Money and Greed" issue and got the bejesus sued out of them by the cult. Time eventually won, but it cost millions of dollars to fight off the horde. The CoS is nasty and uber-litigious and allocates much of its wealth to the care and feeding of their stable of trained attack lawyers, and if Time was feeling the heat, imagine what would happen to the Podunk City Sun-Sentinel.

A lot of mainstream reporters have been told to leave that particular stone unturned, which has helped the disease thrive in a general absence of educated criticism. Even Comedy Central and the creators of South Park got kicked around a bit for their "Trapped in the Closet" episode, and Isaac Hayes was forced to disconnect from everyone involved (which is why no more Chef.)

But now Jenna Miscavige is on Nightline talking about coerced abortions. Jenna is talking about disconnection. Jenna is talking about the protests on national TV.

Nightline's viewer demographic is about 25-54 years of age, and that's a group Anonymous has been having trouble reaching. We've got the youth culture already covered (South Park, the internet, and other assorted fun). What we need for real change is adults with connections, and this might be it.

Jenna (who is connected with the movement) said the interview was actually filmed weeks ago, but representatives of the Church of Scientology dragged their many-thetanned asses for ages on their rebuttal.

And oh what a rebuttal it was! "Come on now, peeps, everyone knows Jenna is a bad person! We don't want to talk about her crimes and make her feel bad, though, so OH LOOK! OXYGEN!" *flees*

See you on May 10, Scientology :) I hope you stocked up on BattleToads.


  1. Times like this make me wish I had cable to watch it.

    Oh well, I'll be seeing the action May 10th too, but on the Freedom Trail...

  2. Maurice: Check the YouTube videos I posted. I think it's all there, sans commercials.

  3. I did, thanks. It just would have been cool on a tv and not my dinky laptop with shoddy internet
