May 10, 2008


Woke up feeling sick, went right back to bed. Slept through the protests, goddamn it. :(

Damn you roomies. YOU did this to me, with your bacteria and your fever and your throwing up willy-nilly.

At least I got my revenge on a certain vomiting roomie who shall not be named (except that her nickname is Rah and she's Rah). After she blew chunks of spinach tuna sandwich puree out'n her nose double-barrel style last night, I performed a scientific experiment on her to see if snorting a bowl of saline solution (1 teaspoon Kosher salt to 2 cups warm water) would wash the residue out of her sinuses.

You would not believe her face when she tested my idea. It was like something out of a "Miracle of Life" video. Worked like a charm though.

Thanks to aforementioned feeling like crap, I'm going to be late again with the update. MEH!


  1. Don't feel too bad, I missed what was going to be my first protest today because of illness too. ;_; At least June's theme will be epic.

  2. After she blew chunks of spinach tuna sandwich puree out'n her nose double-barrel style last night...

    That is so very disgusting.

    I hope you feel better.

  3. Aw, I hope you feel better soon.

    This is Lissa, Lacy and I have been trying to get ahold of you. So sorry if we're spamming you.

    We're wondering if you were going to go to A-Kon this year. We have a room reserved for it and were wondering if you'd like to room with us again.

    Please let us know if you are going or not.

    Thanks, and sorry if we end up spamming you.

  4. Ack, sorry about that! I've been avoiding my email again :(

    I am still holding out hope for A-Kon, but there is some trouble with securing car and funding the trip. I'll let you know if anything changes, but it's probably safer to assume it won't work out this year.

    Cross your fingers, though! I'm not beaten quite yet :)

  5. My doctor suggested 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp salt in a cup of water for irrigating my sinuses. I've tried both ways (all salt or half bakin soda) and I'm not sure I've noticed much difference.

    Of course he also suggested shooting it up my nose with a bulb aspirator (the kind you use to suck snot out of babies) instead of just pouring it through like a sane person. I need a less sadistic doctor!

    My initial reaction when I tried that method was "Ugh I can taste the baking soda with my eyeballs" and I still stand by that assessment 100%

  6. If Rah is not careful, the Egyptian demon of dawn, Upshi, will be summoned.

    Oooh Rah, and Upshi rises.
    Oooh Rah, and Upshi rises.
    Oooh Rash, and Upshi rises, early in the morning.
