July 24, 2008

Dick Move

So we went and rode around town today, because they're having some weird festival thing in the middle of town where the streets are blocked off to cars so the vendors can set up. Crazy Days, I think it's called. The Captain was having a great time, and a police officer tried to pet him as we rolled by. He missed because the Captain appears to be a Personal Bubble Ninja, but it was still pretty cute.

We were almost back to regular traffic when I noticed there were a bunch of really nice vintage cars lined up outside the pizza parlor. People were looking at the cars, so we slowed down to watch. One guy was running his car, but dogs don't like loud roaring noises so we moved on.

The fucking driver waited until we were right behind his car and then gunned it as high and loud as it would go, in one long sustained ear-splitting rev. The engine noise was so loud and shrill it hurt my ears and made my skull vibrate. The Captain lost his shit and panicked. He jumped in front of the bike and I hit the brakes and knocked us over. He tried to drag the bike away, all the while to the sound of this guy's roaring engine ten feet away. A couple of people seemed about to come over or say something, but they went back to what they were doing as I got up and very carefully put the normal leash on the Captain to lead him away from the shrieking engine noise. It went on and on and on.

Then, as soon as we were out of the immediate area, the guy with the vintage car stopped revving his engine. What the fuck?


  1. CRAZY DAYS! Woow, we have that in my home town. My mom used to drag me along for knick knack shopping.

    And fuck that DB. XP

  2. I missed the shopping part, but the cleanup was awesome. Cops everywhere taking down the "no parking" signs and smiling at you. Ladies in short dresses walking around with cold drinks... :)

  3. Here's the city's calendar of community events (if you haven't found it yet): http://www.northfieldchamber.com/calendar/

    You might want to keep an eye on Captain on the 23rd of August as there appears to be the "Outlaw Run" motorcycle ride and hot rod show.
