September 22, 2008

Whirlwind of Sanity, Take II

I've been feeling some discomfort and agitation on the Ritalin, so I cut my morning pill in half. Magically, the symptoms decreased to a reasonable level, and I proceeded to complete almost all of my tasks. I could still feel it kicking in, but my "work mode" gear was noticeably smoother. My accomplishments for the past 10 hours are as follows:

1. Cooked breakfast.
2. Cleaned the kitchen, including scrubbing the stove and counters and de-cluttering the window bench that's been covered in jackets and grocery bags for the better part of a year.
3. Washed and unloaded the dishes.
4. Cleaned and swept my bedroom and office.
5. Processed Etsy orders, stuffed envelopes, wrote thank-you notes and double-checked to make sure everything was accounted for.
6. Gathered addresses for commissions.
7. Finished 1 icon, animated it for funsies, and started another immediately afterwards.
8. Washed two loads of laundry.
9. Read about a zillion chapters of One Piece while eating lunch.
10. Dog-proofed my garbage can.
11. Took a shower.
12. Brushed the Captain's teeth, chased him down, continued to scrub, dragged him back off the floor from his passive-resistance swoon, and brushed them some more.
13. Waited until business hours, then called my social worker, completed the follow-up papers needed for my MinnCare application, and stuck it in my outbox.
14. Called lawyer to check on paperwork and find out what I need to send in.
15. Swept and dusted the stairwell, including steps and landing.
16. Swept the living room at the bottom of the stairwell.
17. Suffered karoshi and was rewarded with an eternity of bliss at the right hand of Xenu himself.

Most of the domestic chores listed are part of my house-elf duties, which I took on in exchange for room and board. I am very happy to be doing a better job of it so that my roomies do not drown in a vat of dirty frying pans and moldy towels.

All of this was accomplished with a lazy ease that I very seldom feel. It's a bit like having those rare moments, every few weeks or months, where the clouds part and I feel like I can power through any task set before me, available on demand.

So yeah, it's safe to say that I had a lot of processing power locked up in day-to-day functioning and now I am making it work for me. Just like motherfucking Rock Lee when he takes off the ankle weights, except not as sexy.


  1. I think that's officially more stuff in one day than I've ever managed to do. Congrats!


  2. Yeah, you did a lot of stuff today, lol.

    What did you make for breakfast? D:

  3. Oh dear. You know, I can't remember. SENIOR MOMENT!

    It was probably half a frozen cheese pizza with sliced tomatoes on top, though, knowing me.

  4. So, completely unrelated to ANYTHING, I just realized that you all live in northfield, and I'm applying to Carelton college there. is it (northfield) pretty? are there nice walking areas? any angry neighbor-people? I may well end up spending four years in this town, so some feed back from a (semi)local would be neat!
