October 24, 2008

B is for Backwards

When making up a story about being robbed, beaten and mutilated by a Scary Black Man because of your McCain bumper sticker, it will really aid your credibility if you remembered to face the letter the right way.

Outsmarted by a mirror. HURR.

Show of hands: who else called this story as a hoax the minute it hit the Drudge report?

EDIT: Oh and this morning she said he raped her also. I missed that update.


  1. I call hoax. Despite the darkness of her black eye, it's not swollen. And perhaps it's a bit TOO black instead of a sickly purply-red.

  2. She now claims that she has no idea how she got injured, but admits to making up the race-baiting story.

    I really can't say HURRRRRR enough.
