January 2, 2009

Scientology, You Suck So Much Ass

John Travolta's son just died because of a seizure. I think it needs to be mentioned that Travolta's church, the Cult of Scientology, strictly forbids its members to take medication for epilepsy-related conditions. Or any conditions, actually. Poor kid.

I'm not saying anything so dramatic as "the cult killed Jett," but their harmful treatments for life-threatening illnesses do cause death, and have done so many times already.

Did Jett's parents secretly obtain treatment for their son's condition, against the explicit teachings of L. Ron Hubbard? If so, how can John continue to publicly support and represent an organization that seeks to do away with the entire medical industry and replace it with LRH tech, while in private reaping that same industry's benefits for himself?

Rest assured the cult won't be shedding any tears over the death of Jett. He had what family friends have described as completely untreated autism (his parents wave it away as Kawasaki Syndrome, but I've seen photos and the kid was a toe-walker). In the cult of his parents, that disability made Jett a "degraded being" and therefore better off dead. They rarely took him out in public, and the only therapy he recieved for his impairment was an herbal detox straight from L Ron's big book of quack remedies. You bet your sweet ass that pisses me off.

There are thousands of children and adults in the cult whose life-threatening conditions go without treatment. Some of them are younger and more helpless than Jett was. I really hope Travolta will withdraw his support of Scientology now that he has seen first-hand that LRH tech does not work. Jett was not healed by vitamins. He was not elevated above his degraded beinghood.

And he's not the only one.

I pray the Travolta family does some serious thinking about the other children of Scientologists who suffer on a daily basis and even die because their parents truly believe that vitamins and e-meters cure everything. As a prominent member of the cult and as a father of a child with disabilities, Travolta is trusted by these parents. They look to him for an example.

So be a good example, John. Don't be the moonbat hypocrite who spouts a dangerous anti-medicine credo that kills people's sons. Don't step across the grave of your child with that Scientology banner held high. Turn to the people who can still be saved and use your influence to rescue as many as you can.

Edit: Then again, the brainwashing dickweeds probably have him in session as we speak to ensure that this very thing doesn't happen. Bad for business, don't you know.



  1. Well said. I haven't been feeling it much lately, but this will light a fire again.

  2. I've never understood why people follow religions that take social progress and throw it away and go back to dark ages superstition and shit. OK, I do understand why people do it, it's because their brains function in a manner considered inferior to that of the average donkey- but I hate it. One of my beefs with backwards religions and even certain scientific theories (which I won't name lest I'm hunted down and burned for weighing the same as a duck) is that they intrinsically discourage people from working for the better of others and instead define virtue as some fucked-up thing like killing infidels, preparing the way for the Rapture, promoting free market ideology (selfishness, capitalism, private health care, that kind of thing), etc.

    What I'm saying, essentially, is that I hate stupid people.

  3. You know, it's funny. I didn't even think of this when I heard his son died. At first I felt bad for him because, damn, no one deserves to lose a kid. Considering this, though... it's pretty clear that Jett deserved so much more. Untreated autism? That just makes it so much worse to think that there was something his father could have been doing for him. Something that could have possibly helped avoid such a tragedy. My heart still goes out, because it's sad to think any epiphany on Travolta's part will have come to late for his own son, if it comes at all. We can only hope he'll see it for what it is and start trying to do something to help others. :\

  4. How sad to think that an adult can be so ignorant that they can chose to not treat their dependents. Thank you for being able to identify this and make a point of letting the world read it. Peace.
