April 23, 2007

Could you be at risk for IBD?

You thought I was being paranoid, but Internet Button Disease really does exist.


  1. Oh. Why? lol It confuses me.

  2. If I ever find out, I'll blog about it and we'll all know :)

  3. All coherent thoughts have fled.
    Wearing buttons now
    Faces slip open - surprise!

    That last picture, however, makes it all come together beautifully, and only serves to twist the mind a little further.

    Truly, I'm lost. Help us, Mr. Spade.

  4. I still don't see anything necessarily bad or evil about this. Certainly confounding!

    I did like the one where it looked like the chick was about to use that inch long steel fang lookin thing to sew the button to her neck. I thought that was funny and tragic.

  5. HINT: This was not intended to be a serious post.
