September 19, 2007

Another Boring Post

Today was a blur of cardboard boxes and spice.

I emptied out a whole cabinetful of boxed and bagged foods and threw out anything that was expired, corroded, moth-eaten, stained with mysterious substances, rusted, borked, degraded, stale, or otherwise lacking in num factor. I packed whatever was still good, except for a few spices that we use daily.

It was trash day so last night and this morning was all about hauling out bags and bags of waste. Ten years' worth of built-up clutter is slowly but surely draining out the front door and into the landfill.

Seebs has filled the dining room with expired computer parts and electronic alchemy devices. This was not so much to empty out the basement as to give the environmentally-friendly disposal connection something to do with their next, oh, month or so.

We are all working our asses off to get this move underway, but I'm hoping to find time for more art soon. I would like to keep updating regularly until the actual move, but I don't have an assistant, and each week's update takes something like 30 hours to produce.

If I want to be living in Northfield by the end of September, Kagerou needs to chill on the back burner and let me spend my time either packing, cleaning, or zoning out doing absolutely nothing so I don't go insane. I'm trying to combine the moving hiatus with an earlier plan for a mental health vacation. I haven't taken a breather since last winter's onslaught of horrible, spirit-crushing events and was about ready to lose my damn mind.

Even still, the delay is making me lonely and anxious to get back to work. This is a good indicator that my batteries are filling up, and once the comic is back to a schedule we should hit the ground running.

Speaking of enthusiastic laziness, I think I'm going to go to bed early and sleep late tonight. SO TIRED.


  1. *roots for Luka*

    see you upon your triumphant return! :P

  2. Woots for the moveness!

  3. Hi...longtime Kagerou reader
    Just wanna say, I feel your moving pain. I just moved at the beginning of the month from one apartment to another thats not even done being renovated as of yeah
    But hey, maybe you'll score some sweet free furniture like I did
