September 25, 2007

A Sudden Fantarding

The Motteke! Sailor Fuku dance, being performed by zombies. Wonders will never cease.


The move has been rescheduled for this weekend because we're all sick of it dragging out, so everyone's working extra hard to get their stuff boxed up.

I'm sorting out my papers at the desk (the most time-consuming part of the move will be cleaning and organizing my shit) and will bring the air purifier into my room for the heavier work. That machine is sinister in its abilities. The other day the light in the room seemed off until I went over and shook a curtain, allowing the dust particles to fly off and start catching the sunlight in the few moments before they were pulled into the purifier and purged from this world.


I found out Stage6 has dubbed Ranma 1/2 episodes, plus Nihao My Concubine, which is (if you ask me) the funniest shit in the universe. I still have huge swatches of the dialogue committed to memory from my formative years.

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