February 29, 2008

I Like Good News

Kendra Wiseman posted:

Hi Everyone,

Today, I go public. Today, I no longer hide behind a pseudonym. As of today, a new website, www.exscientologykids.com, launches.

This website was created as a collaboration between Astra Woodcraft, Jenna Miscavige Hill, and myself, Kendra Wiseman. It contains the stories of numerous children who grew up in Scientology, as well as easy-to-understand critical information for Scientology kids, and for people who are new to the Scientology critics movement.

I want to thank everyone on this forum who has supported me over the last two years while I dealt with disconnection. Your efforts, and the efforts of Anonymous, have made me feel safe speaking up. I want to afford the same luxury to others who may not feel so safe.

To read my story, and the stories of other children who grew up in Scientology, please check out the stories index on our site, which can be found at http://www.exscientologykids.com/storiesindex.html

If you have a story of growing up in Scientology, long or short, with your name or anonymously, we will publish it.

Thanks again. Enjoy.

Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Cousins, Brother, Nephews and Nieces: I'm sorry, as I know this will upset you all further. I do feel that this truly is the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics. I love you all. Please don't let them convince you that I'm a suppressive person. Remember me.

Much Love,

Also happymaking: The thermometer in the backyard went all the way up to 45 this morning! It snowed a few more inches last night over the muck and ice, and now the sunshine is making the world almost too bright to look at. It's really windy, and all the wind chimes in the neighborhood are going at once.

I'll miss winter, but ooooh I can't wait for spring.

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