April 11, 2008

Lost in the Amazon

I just went to Amazon to submit my review of Dianetics, and it wouldn't allow me to review the book. Gave me some weird error page that said I can't review because I haven't used the site to buy anything yet. O RLY? Then where did I get all these paperback books about forensic medicine?

They should change the site name to FAILMAZON DOT COM.

So, like, the monthly Scifag protest is tomorrow. We're going to have freezing rain all day long, but Seebs bought me the huginest rainbow umbrella ever, so I'm not worried.

Hope to see a few of you Minneapolitans there, yah?


  1. I demand pictures of this umbrella.

    Also, good luck at the protest! Nothing Scifag related has cropped up in my area (maybe Canadians are immune?) but I've been watching your adventures with glee.

  2. ty_ping writes:

    To Bryi I think Canadians might have a Scientology immunity because we don't consider them a religion yet, hard to call us out on "Religious intolerance" when you're not a religion. That and our court system isn't quite as lawsuit happy as the American ones.

    Ya ya Kanada eh?

    On the Amazon front, Maybe in leu of all the online back and fourths they're only letting people who have bought Dianetics recently from Amazon review. After all if you bought the book a year ago you've had pleanty of time to review, and if you never bought the book from their site then there's no proof you're not jumping the bandwagon to kick the Scientology book, or subsiquently give it a handjob if you work at the Co$.


    Good luck with the protests, I'm a bed ridden so I can only hope for the best from the Japan guys.

  3. Have fun at the protest, me and a friend are trying to go to one on our area tommorow.

    On another topic have you heard about this new legislature about copyright rules? - http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=pageone&article_no=3605&page=1
