May 9, 2008


Oh, and this is fabulous. Found it on one of the JF wank communities:

Fans of Dave Sim must now sign a declaration that he is not a misogynist or he won't correspond with them. The fine print then goes on to specify that he has several desirable toys and is more than willing to take them and go home if the other children won't let him win. He may even tell.

Yeah, good luck with that, Mr. "the Emotional Female Void devours what is left of the civilisation which has been built by the Rational Male Light." I'm sure the benefit of being surrounded only by the sort of people who would kiss a man's ass for the privilege of hearing him gasp out platitudes about how much women suck will take away the sting of not actually being very relevant at all.

Who'd even sign it? The guy publishes incoherently purple fantasies wherein a totally fictional character (named after himself), tortures the shrieking 'Female Void' into humbled female silence with the power of philosophy-101 logic exercises.

I'll admit I've heard good things about his other stuff, but I refuse to read it unless he signs this paper declaring me the King of Planet Bob. It's only fair.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Damn it, the above comment is me. "The Dungeon Master" is what I was using for a D&D blog, it has nothing to do with S&M. I deleted the comment, but the name is still displaying, so here is what it said...

    Check out the last paragraph under "Feminist Controversy", assuming the wikinazis haven't edited it. I hope Dave Sim chokes on something ironic.
