February 24, 2008

Anonymous Addresses David Miscavige

Hahahaha, this is the funniest one yet.


  1. singedrac (15 hours ago
    I'm afraid DM doesn't have the rank of Commodore, only LRH had that. DM's just a captain in Sea Org. :/

    Great video tho. :D

    EngrammyAwards (7 hours ago)
    Our bad. We'd seen others "in the know" refer to him as Commodore.

    salvagingaplanet (7 minutes ago)
    Possibly you misunderstood. The rank is "Commode Door"
    1. a low cabinet or similar piece of furniture, often highly ornamental, containing drawers or shelves
    2. a stand or cupboard containing a chamber pot or washbasin
    3. toilet
    4. a portable toilet, esp. one on a chairlike frame with wheels, as for an invalid
    5. an elaborate headdress consisting chiefly of a high framework decorated with lace, ribbons, etc., worn perched on top of the hair by women in the late 17th and early 18th centuries

